Details for Cast, Crew, and Creators

Jack Morgan

In Comic Based Productions

+/-Acting Credits:Directing Credits:Other Crew Credits:

Film Formats

+/-Theatrical Releases:Shorts:Serials:Direct to Video:TV Movies:TV Pilots:Web:Unreleased:

Production Attributes

+/-Silent:Sound:Black & White:Color:Colorized:BW & Color:Live Action:Animation:Live w/Animation:Stop-Motion:

Acting Roles:

ProductionYearCharacter/RoleRole CreditRole Attribute
Uncle Bim's Gifts1923Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Watch Papa1923Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Oh! What a Day!1923Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Aggravatin' Mama1923Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Oh! Min!1924Chester GumpCredited Appearance
What's the Use?1924Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Andy's Temptation1924Chester GumpCredited Appearance
A Day of Rest1924Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Westbound1924Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Andy's Hat in the Ring1924Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Andy's Stump Speech1924Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Andy's Lion Tale1925Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Chester's Donkey Party1925Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Dynamited1925Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Andy Takes a Flyer1925Chester GumpCredited Appearance
The Smash-Up1925Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Min's Home on the Cliff1926Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Min Walks in Her Sleep1926Chester GumpCredited Appearance
California Here We Come1926Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Shady Rest1926Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Min's Away1926Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Dumb Luck1926Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Tow Service1926Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Never Again1926Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Lots of Grief1926Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Better Luck1926Chester GumpCredited Appearance
The Big Surprise1926Chester GumpCredited Appearance
A Close Call1926Chester GumpCredited Appearance
I Told You So1926Chester GumpCredited Appearance
Andy in Hollywood1925Chester GumpCredited Appearance

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