Supernatural, Season 12, Episode 5 (The One You’ve Been Waiting For)

Protagonists: Sam, Dean

Major Antagonists: None

FEATURED CREATURES: Corrupted/Altered Human, Human Spirit

Over Plot: The boys deal with mom being back from the dead and what to do about the British Men of Letters

Major Character Deaths: None

Minor Deaths: 2 people involved in an illicit transaction for the watch burn up, tinder date up in flames, off screen Hitler’s soul is removed from his body and stored in a watch(we will count this as a first death and count the soul in the watch as a Human Spirit)

Notes: kid kills a Thule, girl shoots one of the Thule, Dean shoots 2 more and the reincarnated Hitler

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 4 humans

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 5 Corrupted/Altered Humans, 1 Human Spirit

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