Supernatural, Season 8, Episode 19 (Taxi Driver)

Protagonists: Sam, Dean, Kevin, Bobby, Benny

Major Antagonists: Crowley, Naomi

FEATURED CREATURES: Demon, Reaper, Unknown, Angel

Over Plot: Boys look for the demon tablet to seal hell forever and now contend with a Knight of Hell

Major Character Deaths: Benny

Minor Deaths: 4 Demon hosts, 1 Reaper host

Notes: While not shown on screen it can be assumed the boys kill the demon they captured especially since it asked them to and they agreed, Crowley kills a reaper, Sam beheads an unknown monster in purgatory, Bobby kills 3 demons in hell, This is the episode that shows spirits move on to heaven or hell even after their bones are burnt, Dean kills Benny, Bobby Sam and Benny kill 3 unknown in purgatory

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 5 humans

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 4 Demons, 1 Reaper, 4 Unknown

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