Supernatural, Season 8, Episode 13 (Everybody Hates Hitler)

Protagonists: Sam, Dean

Major Antagonists: None

FEATURED CREATURES: Golem, Human, Necromancer (Witch)

Over Plot: Boys look for the demon tablet to seal hell forever and now contend with a Knight of Hell

Major Character Deaths: None

Minor Deaths: jewish man ignited

Notes: We can assume that the Golem kills all Nazis within the camp at the beginning of the episode, but since we don’t know exact numbers we will only count the minimum. 2 gate guards for sure, there are at least 6 distinct death cries off screen leading up to the inner chamber (we will count the exposition about the guy ripped in half as part of that), 4 guards in the final room to total at least 12 dead Nazis, first appearance of the bunker, golem kills a Necromancer, the group kill 3 more necromancers

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 1 human

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 12 Nazis (Human), 4 Necromancers (Witch)

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