Protagonists: Sam, Dean, Victor
Major Antagonists: Bela, Ruby
Over Plot: Sam and Dean try to track and destroy the freed demons led by Lilith and save Dean
Major Character Deaths: Victor
Minor Deaths: 2 cops guarding the door, 2 guarding the chopper, the pilot, FBI guy, sheriff shot by possessed FBI guy, while only the secretary and cop were seen killed (along with Henrikson) by Lilith, Henrikson’s spirit in a later episode verifies that there were a total of 6 people in the station including himself that Lilith killed.
Notes: Sam exorcised demon from FBI guy who was dead when he hit the ground meaning before the episode so no bystander death on that one, demon exorcised from Victor, first showing of the tattoo to ward demon possession on the brothers. Victor flips to Protagonist this episode. First episode to name the season big bad Lilith, Ruby states that she killed some on the way in but does not give a number. When Ruby leaves able to visually count 25 including the already dead cop who gets away before the mass exorcism. Victor is killed by Lilith making her first appearance along with all the cops and personnel though it appears that the citizens got out. Considering the regulars were just shot with salt, we can expect that they survived.
Episode Bystander Kill Count: 13 humans
Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 27 Demons