Protagonists: Introduces Sam Winchester (brother to Dean and Adam, Son to Mary and John), Introduces Dean Winchester (brother to Sam and Adam, Son to Mary and John), Introduces John Winchester in flashback (Father to Sam, Dean and Adam, Husband to Mary), Introduces Mary Winchester in flashback (Mother to Sam and Dean, Wife to John), Introduces Jessica Moore (Girlfriend to Sam)
Major Antagonists: Introduces Azazel rear shot in flashback
FEATURED CREATURES: Woman in White (human spirit), Demon
Over Plot: Search for dad established
Major Character Deaths: Mary Winchester in flashback, Jessica
Minor Deaths: Some guy in a car
Notes: First appearance of Azazel in rear shot flashback, Impala is introduced with trunk of weapons, hunter habits of fake IDs and credit cards introduced, John’s journal is introduced, Salt barrier to spirits introduced, burning of bones referenced. Spirit is forced to confront spirit of slain children and all were destroyed. Probably.
Episode Bystander Kill Count: 1 human 0-2 human spirits
Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 1 human spirit