18:20 Mohawk axes and then shoots 2 soldiers which starts a battle scene where 28 more soldiers and 12 natives die ending at 21:02 (he mentions walking wounded, but only 1 soldier is seen moving after the battle)
25:06 Two dead at the homestead
35:35 Two soldiers killed by cannon
35:53 Two more
37:14 One in a trench killed by cannon
37:33 Four British killed by cannon
39:21 Five more
48:03 This is the Hawkeye and Uncas sniper scene where he shoots 5 natives to protect a courier
54:42 Guy in the infirmary dies
1:02:11 Eight English caught in mortar fire
1:02:19 Seven more
1:02:31 Four more
1:02:33 Explosion gets 4 more
1:02:37 Mortar gets another 4
1:02:41 Two more then another two
1:13:12 This is the beginning of the battle between Magua’s group and the English as they leave the fort. 17 natives die as do 17 English Also, the Colonel dies. It ends right around 1:20:00(This scene is very chaotic, so this count only includes clear kills on screen. Much is from a distance, so any true count is essentially impossible.)
1:27:41 Soldier killed
1:39:16 Major dies
1:41:12 This is the fight between Hawkeye and his group and the natives led by Magua. 5 natives are killed as is Uncas and the younger daughter of the Col.
1:44:47 Starts the second part of the fight and 7 Natives die as does Magua
Total: 105
This kill count focuses on kills from specific individuals in the film so is much lower than my count.
Body Count is much higher than mine. It looks like they accidentally double counted a couple in the first fight. During the siege they counted a few more from cannon and mortar impact which is understandable as visibility in that scene is rough and either of our counts in that section could be right. The big difference, however, is that in the largest battle scene towards the end they seem to be counting kills from just guns fired and not bodies dropped which is not how I would approach the kill counter as that is not a verified hit, much less a verified kill.