Protagonists: Buffy, Xander, Willow, Dawn, Anya, Spike, Cecily/Halfrek
Major Antagonists: The First Evil, D’hoffryn
FEATURED MONSTERS: Slayer, Witch, Demon, Vampire, Cosmic Entity
Over Plot: Self-contained
Major Character Deaths: Cecily/Halfrek
Minor Deaths: Spider Demon kills a person off screen
Notes: All of the deaths in the fraternity happen before the episode begins, so don’t count, Buffy kills the spider Demon, In the St. Petersburg flashback we join them after several people have been killed so all of the bodies leading up do not count, D’hoffryn kills Halfrek. D’hoffryn reverses the damage the demons have done, but one kill still happened during the episode so counts.
Episode Bystander Kill Count: 1 human
Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 0