Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 5, Episode 22 (The Gift)

Protagonists: Buffy, Giles, Xander, Willow, Spike, Tara, Anya, Ben, Dawn

Major Antagonists: Glory, Doc, Murk

FEATURED MONSTERS: Slayer, Witch, Vampire, Demon, God, Robot

Over Plot: Glory tries to go home

Major Character Deaths: Murk, Doc, Ben, Glory, Buffy

Minor Deaths: None

Notes: Buffy stakes a vamp behind the magic shop. Spike shoots Murk with an arrow at the site, Giles kills another demon, Giles suffocates Ben killing him and Glory. Buffy throws Doc off the structure killing him. Buffy jumps off the structure killing herself. We don’t see any of the other 3 Demons die at the base of the structure, but we can assume that they would not be allowed to live. It is a little odd that there were many more demons involved in the story, even a couple with major character names (Jinx and Dreg) or positions like the seamstress or high priest type guy that we just don’t see in the last part of the episode at the final site.

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 0

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 1 Vampire, 4 Demons

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