Protagonists: Buffy, Giles, Xander, Willow, Tara, Anya, Spike, Ben, Joyce, Dawn
Major Antagonists: Glory(as Ben), Drusilla, Harmony
FEATURED MONSTERS: Slayer, Witch, Vampire, God
Over Plot: Self-contained
Major Character Deaths: None
Minor Deaths: We see 7 dead on the train that arrives to town killed by Drusilla off screen, but their actual time of death is uncertain as this scene is right after the intro at the Bronze and could have happened well before the beginning of the episode. Funny thing is, in the news article that talks about it later in the episode, it lists 6 which we have to assume includes the conductor. Drusilla kills the conductor. Drusilla snaps the neck of 2 people at the Bronze.
Notes: None
Episode Bystander Kill Count: 3-10 humans
Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 0