Protagonists: Buffy, Giles, Xander, Willow, Cordelia, Jenny, Angel, Joyce
Major Antagonists: The Master, The Anointed
FEATURED MONSTERS: Slayer, Vampire, Demon
Over Plot: The Master attempts to escape his prison
Major Character Deaths: Buffy, The Master
Minor Deaths: 5 students found drained by vampires
Notes: Buffy stakes a vampire before the credits, The Master kills Buffy but Xander performs CPR and revives her. The Hellmouth opens and we see a creature that kinda has to be a demon of some kind. I am assuming that the vampire Buffy knocks down going back into the school is actually staked since it doesn’t follow that she would leave him alive. Angel stakes a vampire and we see Xander punch another but no confirmed kill. Buffy throws the master onto a broken table. The Demon is not killed but is sucked back into the Hellmouth. The massive number of vampires likely just dispersed.
Episode Bystander Kill Count: 5 humans
Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 3 Vampires