Protagonists: Angel, Wesley, Gunn, Fred , Cordelia (in coma), Lorne
Major Antagonists: Jasmine, Conner
FEATURED MONSTERS: Vampire, Altered Human, Demon, Half-Demon, Higher Being
Over Plot: Jasmine establishes a foothold
Major Character Deaths: None
Minor Deaths: 9 dead bodies (1 is a head) in the bowling alley
Notes: Any appearances of Cordelia for the rest of the season will be her in a catatonic state. We come upon a bunch of vampires in a bowling alley where there are dead bodies around. Given the amount of time since the last scene, we can consider their deaths as having happened off screen during this episode. Angel and company kill 8 Vampires in a bowling alley. During the montage Angel and company kill 3 Vampires then 2 Demons then 4 more Vampires
Episode Bystander Kill Count: 9 humans
Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 15 Vampires, 2 Demons